Preregistration Form

Español English Portugues

Gestión financiera y ciberseguridad de las universidades públicas

In order to facilitate the registration process, please write your e-mail address.

The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, from here on referred to as “The Foundation”, is especially concerned with assuring the security and confidentiality of any personal information submitted by the users of our services. When a user registers on our server, or requests further information regarding any issue, his/her personal data related to his/her academic status as well as any information generated by electronic communication using the Foundation server is added to our database in order to allow us to manage any further consultations.By agreeing to these conditions, the user expressly authorizes/permits the Foundation to use this data and any further information provided by the user to facilitate any required information to any third party business that the Foundation collaborates with in order to accomplish the services required by the user.

Regarding the L.O.15/1999 law of December 13, which deals with the treatment of personal information and databases, we would like to inform you of the following:

A.- The data provided by the user will be added to a database which is kept, owned and managed by the Foundation, and the Foundation the responsible party for any use of such information. The fiscal information of The Foundation is: CIF G-37338118 and address: Fonseca, 2, banjo, Salamanca 37002, España. The database is being registered in the General Register for Databases and it has the required code, which is assigned by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

B.- The Foundation guarantees the confidentiality of all the information provided by the user. The obtaining and management of the data is done following strict levels of security apart from the levels required by law in order to assure that such confidential information may not be lost nor obtained by a third party.

C.- Following the current legislation, all users of the Foundation Server have the right to enter, modify or cancel his/her personal data. If the user chooses to cancel the personal information previously given to the Foundation, after the user logs off, all confidential information will be erased from the system, except information related to historical or statistical purposes.

In order to modify the previously mentioned information, the user must do so in writing, by sending a formal allowance to the Foundation by regular mail to the following address:

Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca,C/ Fonseca nº 2 - Salamanca 37002.

E.- In order to function better, in satisfying the services provided by the Foundation, this entity must share some user information, such as name, address, telephone number, etc, with some third parties who cooperate directly with the services offered by the Foundation to the user, such as delivery service businesses, insurance companies, financial companies, etc. Nevertheless, we assure the user that only the information that may be needed in order to provide the correct service by this third party business will be facilitated to them.

The use of the services and content located on the Foundation server, is subject to current legislation as well as to the principles of good faith and no public disorder, especially the ones related to national and international norms regarding the protection of Human Rights.

The user will not use the Foundation server to transmit, or pass on in any way, illegal or defamatory opinions and content, which may be sensitive material for other users, or may go against a given person’s dignity.

The use of servers with illegal ends or the use of servers that may damage, or not allow the normal operation of the server, or that either directly or indirectly may attempt to disrupt the server itself or against a third party, is prohibited.

The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca reserves the right to cancel the services without prior communications, if the user’s behavior is not appropriate or is deemed to be in contravention of this Ethical Code.

The pre-registration process is closed

Sorry for the inconvenience. The pre-registration process for this activity requires prior invitation.
If you want more information you can contact:

If you do not have an e-mail address, Here is a list of websites where you can open an e-mail account free of charge:
